Archive for the ‘Chief’ Category

The dog ate my homework excuse has been going around for a while. But, how about the dog ate my sock! A couple of days ago I was hanging out with our family dog Chief, and our buddy Jimmy. Now chief is a smart dog. Sometimes even smarter than some of the people I have come across in my life.

I was proudly demonstrating the ability of Chief to learn new tricks in exchange for a little praise and the special “under the neck” rub to die for. So, as he already knew how to “go get it”, sit, lay down etc., I figured it’s time to teach him how to “drop it” after he goes and “gets it”.

Within 10 minutes he was doing it. Yes, he was getting the sock and then was dropping it. So, Jim decided he wants to be a participant as well, and not just be the audience. He gets hold of the sock, throws it, asks Chief to go get it. All went well, until he asked Chief to “drop it”.

The moment of truth came, and Chief, still not sure of why, instead of dropping the sock, completely and immediately swallowed it!! Yup, the sock went down the throat of the 90 lb monster, leaving me wondering why in the world did he do it.

Almost 3 days, and I still can’t figure out why he decided to swallow it. What was going on his big head? Any ideas or explanations are welcome.

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